Archived Articles, Reports, and Issue Briefs

State ACA Paper (July 2018) by Professor Mark Hall

Medicaid Regret Issue Brief (March 2018) by Professor Mark Hall

A Study of Affordable Care Act Competitiveness in North Carolina (February 2017)
by Professor Mark Hall, with the assistance of Katherine E. Booth

Public Comments Overwhelmingly Favor Medicaid Expansion as Part of North Carolina’s Medicaid Reform (Jan. 2017)

Can Medicaid Help Military Veterans? (Oct. 2016)
by Professor Mark Hall, and Katherine E. Booth

Medicaid Expansion Costs in North Carolina: A Frank Discussion (Jan. 2016)
by Professor Mark Hall, and Edwin Shoaf, J.D.

Early Assessment of Competition in the Health Insurance Marketplace (Jan. 2016)
North Carolina Brief (Appendix E) by Mark Hall, and Edwin Shoaf, J.D.

Enrollment Deficits under the Affordable Care Act (Oct. 2015)
by Edwin Shoaf, J.D., and Professor Mark Hall

Medicaid Reform Options for North Carolina (May 2015)
by Edwin Shoaf, J.D., and Professor Mark Hall

School of Medicine

Policy Brief: Providing Information about the Affordable Care Act to Latino Immigrants
by Thomas A. Arcury, Ph.D.